. Durbz Blog: R.I.P Mom...

Please note that this blog has moved to http://www.marcforrest.com

Monday, November 28, 2005

R.I.P Mom...

Eish, what a crap week I had. My mom passed away very suddenly last week Sunday. She had been in hospital for a Hernia operation, and things kinda just went downhill, and last week Sunday, I got the dreaded phone call. None of us were expecting us, so it was a huge shock. I have never been so upset in my whole life, and it was a mad rush to get myself to Pretoria ASAP. Kulula came to the party, and helped soo much. They checked our luggage in and allocated seats before we got to the airport, and they were amazing.

Last week consisted of a lot of hard unpleasant work, organizing all sorts of things. It’s someone I don’t want to wish on anyone, but it has to be done. So on Friday we had the funeral, which was very pleasant, and almost felt like closure. I know sometimes we all take our families for granted, but I learnt a big lesson this week, although my mom and I were quite close, we still had our ups and downs. I will never forget the last time I saw her 3 weeks ago, and I’m so happy for her sake she went peacefully.

I never got to tell her I love her, which I will regret. She knew I did, but it’s still a horrible feeling. I hope she is enjoying whatever she is doing now, and I will never forget her.

R.I.P Mom, I love you ;(


Wezzo said...

Very sorry to hear that Marc, really not a nice thing to go through. Condolences to you and your family.

Marc said...

Thanks Dudes ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey my friend, it's NIB here - I just saw your articles. Your parents were awesome people and I can't stop thinking about what happened since you told me on Saturday! They were both always so happy and they'd always make me laugh! I will always remember them for that :-) My prayer for you is that the sadness in your heart will not remain for long - and that it will be replaced with joy in abundance!